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ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx IBP Cables

Search for a Model to connect to your ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx:    
  • 0306-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects VIGGO-SPECTRAMED  DTX/PLUS Transducer
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $326 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0432-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects NAVILYST Medical  NAMIC Perceptor DT Transducer
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $250 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $200 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0430-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects NAVILYST Medical  NAMIC Compensator Manifold [w/Integral Transducer] Transducer
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $250 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0382-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects METRON  PS-420 Transducer
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $200 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0369-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  MPS-1 Simulator
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $220 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0426-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  medSim 300B Pressure Simulator
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $227 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0335-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects OHMEDA  DTX/PLUS Transducer
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $326 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0429-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  PS420 Pressure Simulator
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $200 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0415-2392 Interface Cable
    Connects PRONK TECHNOLOGIES  SimCube SC-5 (w/extension cable) Transducer
    to FYSICON  ARGUS PB-2000: S/N Series 773.xxxxx or 774.xxxxx Monitor.
    Price: $190 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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