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6701 IBP Cables

Search for a Model to connect to your 6701:    
  • 0361-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects SCHNEIDER / NAMIC  PERCEPTOR Manifold Transducer
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $300 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0379-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects LAERDAL  HeartSim 2000 Simulator
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $230 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0364-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects ENDOSONICS  Pressure Isolation Interface Transducer
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $270 per Cable
    Sorry, no Transducer end mating connector images available.
    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0389-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects BD  DTXPlus Transducer
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $376 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0396-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects MEDEX  LogiCal MX960 Triple Channel [3 Ch] Transducer
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $854 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0374-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects DYNATECH NEVADA  212A / 212B Simulator
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $277 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0371-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 3 Simulator
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $250 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0383-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects METRON  PS-440 Transducer
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $250 per Cable
    Transducer End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0380-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects MEDICAL DATA ELECTRONICS  Datasim 4000/6000 Simulator
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $251 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0448-1656 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 3 Vital Signs Simulator
    to KONTRON  6701 Monitor.
    Price: $277 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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