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ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator IBP Cables

Search for a Model to connect to your ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator:    
  • 0447-2562 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to EDAN  iM8 w/IBP Option Monitor.
    Price: $178 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2565 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to EDAN  iM8 VET w/IBP Option Monitor.
    Price: $178 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2568 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to EDAN  iM70 Monitor.
    Price: $178 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2570 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to EDAN  iM50 w/IBP Option Monitor.
    Price: $178 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2501 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to SORIN GROUP  Sensor Module 27-80-20 Monitor.
    Price: $169 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2583 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to SPECTRUM MEDICAL  Quantum Sensor Module [QDM3 / no Gas, 3 Temps] Monitor.
    Price: $240 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2507 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to MENNEN MEDICAL  Vitalogik 6000 Monitor.
    Price: $247 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2434 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to AD INSTRUMENTS  ML228 Octal Bridge Amp Monitor.
    Price: $167 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-2055 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    Price: $227 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0447-1219 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulator
    to HEWLETT-PACKARD  78205(A-D) Standard Monitor.
    Price: $247 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Sorry, no Monitor end mating connector images available.