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MPS450 Pressure Simulator IBP Cables

Search for a Model to connect to your MPS450 Pressure Simulator:    
  • 0427-1902 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to HELLIGE  236 037 xx Monitor.
    Price: $200 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-2260 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS IT  EAGLE 3000 Monitor.
    Price: $171 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-2226 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to ZOLL MEDICAL  M-Series Defibrillator w/IBP Option Monitor.
    Price: $151 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-2316 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to WELCH ALLYN  Encore / H-P Input Monitor.
    Price: $200 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-1559 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to DATASCOPE  3000 Monitor.
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-1638 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to DATASCOPE  Passport / Std Inputs Monitor.
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-2256 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS IT  CLab II Plus [32, 64, 96, & 128 Channel] Monitor.
    Price: $150 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-2266 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES  M1006A Monitor.
    Price: $200 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-2365 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to DATASCOPE  Trio w/IP Option Monitor.
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0427-2108 Interface Cable
    Connects FLUKE Biomedical  MPS450 Pressure Simulator
    to DATEX-OHMEDA  M-ETP Monitor.
    Price: $220 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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